Numerical Simulation of Interior Flow for High Specific Speed Mixed-flow Pump Designed by Constant Circulation flow Pattern Numerical simulation of low NO_X pulverized-coal burners in same velocity of two channels in utility boilers 等环量流型高比转速混流泵内部流场数值模拟电站锅炉应用等速型低NOX燃烧器的数值模拟
Taking the coal-fired power plant and shopping plaza engineering as the examples, this paper introduces the application of the pump reverse circulation drilling technique in dewater construction. 从理论上分析了泵吸反循环施工百米超深孔的可行性,并介绍实际施工中采取的技术措施和取得的良好效果,对同类工程施工具有一定的指导意义。
Artificial heart: Machine or mechanical pump that maintains Blood circulation in the human Body. 人工心脏:能在长短不等的时间内维持人体血液循环(以及氧合过程)的帮浦或机械泵。
A pump to maintain circulation during heart surgery; diverts blood from the heart and oxygenates it and then pumps it through the body. 在心脏外科手术中维持循环的泵;从心脏转移血液并使其氧化然后通过身体吸入。
The Application of Pump Reverse Circulation Drilling Technique in Dewater Construction Research of pile construction technology through borehole bottom expansion and after-grouting mortar injection 泵吸反循环钻进工艺在降水工程中的应用泵吸反循环钻孔扩底灌注后压浆桩施工技术研究
The adoption spirit move to provide Mo diaphragm pump, circulation water Mo ability increment, be easy to clean. 采用气动供墨隔膜泵,循环水墨能力增加,易于清洗。
Numerical Simulation of Interior Flow for High Specific Speed Mixed-flow Pump Designed by Constant Circulation flow Pattern 珠江口海域设计流速模型模拟推算方法等环量流型高比转速混流泵内部流场数值模拟
Numerical calculation of unsteady flow of viscoelastic fluid in eccentric annulus Numerical Simulation of Interior Flow for High Specific Speed Mixed-flow Pump Designed by Constant Circulation flow Pattern 黏弹性流体在偏心环空中非定常流的流量计算等环量流型高比转速混流泵内部流场数值模拟
Numerical Simulation and Configurable Optimization in Partial Emission Pump Numerical Simulation of Interior Flow for High Specific Speed Mixed-flow Pump Designed by Constant Circulation flow Pattern 部分流泵内部流场模拟及结构优化设计等环量流型高比转速混流泵内部流场数值模拟
In consideration of the problems of pump off and direct circulation of backflow fluid containing sands in setting sand washing casing string its operation, a technique for high efficient and environmental protection sand-washing operation is proposed. 针对目前油田冲砂作业过程中下放冲砂管柱时需停泵作业及冲返的含砂液体直接循环使用所存在的问题,提出了高效环保冲砂作业工艺。
Through utilization of a pressure motor to replace the present dropping equipment of Refrigeration/ Heat Pump circulation system, the pressure in the system can be recovered correlating into increased energy efficiency. 通过应用压力马达代替现有的制冷/热泵循环系统中的降压装置,对系统中的压力能进行回收,从而达到节能的目的。
Interruption of fluid is one of the common problem in pump suction reverse circulation. 循环液中断是泵吸反循环钻进工艺中最为普遍的问题之一。
Objective: To evaluate the use of centrifugal pump to assist circulation during routine and emergency cardiopulmonary bypass. 目的:评估离心泵在临床常规体外循环、急症体外循环及辅助循环手术中的使用情况。
The author's implantable pulsatile impeller pump can assist the circulation of the calves for several months. 我们研制的可植入式搏动流叶轮型人工心脏可辅助试验小牛血液循环数个月。
Analysis and prevent of unwatered back for pump reverse circulation sand pump 泵吸反循环砂石泵不返水原因分析与防治
Analysis for Jet-Pump Effect on Natural Circulation Transient Behaviour 喷射泵对自然循环过渡特性影响分析
Using the pump circulation water and the structure design as well a combined hot water is also suggested. 本文还对太阳热水和太阳水泵联合系统进行了分析计算。
As for1-channel passage, axial-flow pump outlet circulation is too big usually, the passage hydraulic losses are big too, but small circulation can slightly reduce hydraulic losses. 对单孔流道,轴流泵出口环量过大,增大了水力损失,而微小环量会使水力损失略有减小;
Application of a New Type Strong Self-suction Pump in Water Circulation Unit 一种新型强自吸泵在循环水场的应用
On Measures to Improve the Effectiveness of Pump Suction Reverse Circulation Drilling 论提高泵吸反循环钻进效果的措施
The Fault Tree Analysis of Interruption of Fluid in Pump Suction Reverse Circulation Drilling 泵吸反循环钻进中循环液中断的故障树分析
Discussion and Practice on drilling depth of pump suction reverse circulation 泵吸反循环钻进深度的理论探讨与实践
Optimization Selection of Gap between Rotor and Pump Body of External Circulation Rotor Pump 外环流转子泵转子与泵体间间隙的优化选择
Reverse Circulation Operating Parameters and Drilling Characteristics in Pump Reverse Circulation Drilling 泵吸反循环钻进反循环运行工况参数及钻进特性
The Faults and Its Improvement Measures for Water Pump Motor of Forced Circulation Boiler 强制循环锅炉炉水泵电机主要故障及改进措施
An Impeller Pump Assists the Circulation of a Calf for 62 Days 叶轮泵辅助小公牛血液循环62天
In petrochemical production, such methods as air compressing, pump circulation, mechanical blending and pipeline mixing are usually used in product mixing. 石油化工生产中常用的油品调合方法有压缩空气、泵循环、机械搅拌和管道调合。
Results indicate that flow deviation in discharge passage is formed by co-action of pump outflow circulation and secondary flows in outflow curved pipe, hydraulic loss of discharge passage increases and pump assembly efficiency decreases because of flow deviation. 结果表明:水泵出流环量和出水弯管二次流共同作用形成了出水流道偏流,偏流使出水流道水力损失增大,泵装置效率下降。
The experiment shows: It adopt self-designed whorly board tower in which the gas is absorbed through the process of gas-liquid counter current and pump circulation process for alkali liquor which can prevent the tower from blocking up. It turns out that the operation goes well. 实验结果表明:制硫酸烟气吸收采用自行设计的旋流板塔,吸收塔采用气液逆流吸收,碱液用泵循环工艺,可防止塔堵塞,运行状况良好。